Are keywords still relevant in SEO

Keywords on the past have been the vital part of SEO, usage of keywords have been the priority for the digital marketers to promote their goods but are they still relevant in 2018.

The search engine algorithm  has become advanced, it not only asses the no of keywords but also the density of those keywords, Google panda was the first update which focuses more on keyword density rather than no of keywords during SEO.

For instance Google algorithm is now able to filter out keywords which are basically synonyms and not just that Google hummingbird algorithm helps Google in finding the real meaning behind those keywords.

Rankbrain is another update which helps in understanding the reason behind the various search terms, writing user centric keywords helps in organic search more than multiple keywords. Hence it would be beneficial to provide various keywords which are relevant to ensure high Google ranking.

The aim of advertisers should be to make searches more user centric, the whole process of  finding and creating relevant keywords could be time consuming but it is worth it.

