Overcoming attacks from spammers to avoid negative Google rankings

In every industry there are competitors who tend to engage in a proxy war using scammer and scammer, it is necessary that the companies should be able to fight back against these scammers to avoid negative publicity of the website.

High Google page ranking is the ultimate aim of any website, irrelevant content posted by scammer and spammers tend to use unethical SEO techniques which tend to damage the website’s overall reputation.

Here are some techniques which could be used to ensure that websites are protected and are they do not become a victim of these circumstances.

  • Spammers tend to use link farms to directly link the website with high amount of spam related website, which creates a negative outlook of the website for the viewers. This could be avoided by using active link monitoring to keep a track of this link farms and get rid of them.
  • Using Google’s online copyright infringement system one can assure that the website’s content in not being plagiarized openly by spammers and scammers and the website is not penalized.
  • Hacking and malware attacks are the constant threat which websites need to be aware of. Using constant monitoring of web activity would help in tracking any anomalies caused by hackers or spammers thus ensuring the security of website and its sensitive data.
  • The fake reviews of the website should be reported, and the website must ensure only genuine reviews of the website are posted publically on the internet in order to ensure the authenticity of the website.

Improving overall YouTube presence

YouTube is popular and effective medium, its influential power cannot be underestimated. Having a YouTube channel is a must for every company. Here are some suggestions to improve the overall YouTube presence.
  • Although it is difficult for new comers to establish a genuine presence in YouTube but they can take following decisions which could improve the performance of their YouTube page in long term. For instance Youtube can be used to create an effective reputation management.
  • Also Youtube can be used for effective conversions, it is said that an impressive Youtube page ensures that 1 out 3 youngsters would prefer the buying from the associated company.
  • Creating a calendar schedule for desgining page would ensure that the website has optimum YouTube design.
  • Another extraordinary measure is to connect with YouTube bloggers in your specialty. Some of them will be cheerful to work for you, and as a reward you’ll be compensated with extra introduction from their own marking and web-based social networking channels.
  • I could locate an extraordinary YouTube blogger to work for my customer for as low as $75 per video; those recordings were of best quality and transfer prepared.
  • Aside from fundamental catchphrase coordinating utilizing video title and depiction, YouTube utilizes other video-particular measurements to decide how frequently the video ought to be proposed beside related recordings and how high it should rank in indexed lists.
  • Using tools such as YouTube analytics would help the company to keep a continuous progress of the YouTube channel.

Building a YouTube channel is hard work. You’re probably going to see next to zero action for quite a long time at any given moment, possibly months after you begin dealing with it. Try not to give this a chance to debilitate you. It’s a major stage with heaps of chance, and on the off chance that you continue working reliably; you’ll see significant progress in future.

Combining digital and traditional marketing strategy

There is no doubt that digital marketing strategy is a must in today’s world but for any company to have an edge over its competitors it also use traditional marketing strategies alongside.

Prior to the innovation and social takeover, brands could tenderly position themselves before the gathering of people utilizing conventional systems, for example, daily paper promotions, TV appearances or radio notices – all mediums that had the capacity to guide clients to a brand. Be that as it may, with the developing requirement for quick data, and the changing manners by which purchasers get to it, brands have been compelled to respond, expecting to overwhelm each promoting stage conceivable just to stay unmistakable. With this comes a showcasing system upgrade, wedding the effortlessness and viability of conventional methods with the moment esteem brought through computerized channels. The adjustment in the client approach, and thus the business travel, has made brands move strongly into the advanced world, regardless of whether prepared to or not. Albeit advanced now makes up around 60% of promoting endeavors, as indicated by oursocialtimes.com, 13% of advertisers still depend vigorously on customary strategies, inflexible despite everything they accomplish the coveted outcomes. It is concentrates, for example, this that demonstrate the benefit of blending both conventional and computerized systems, to make a balanced, information drove way to deal with client engagement and brand situating. While we perceive the estimation of presenting and concentrating on advanced, one brand took this thought too far, decreasing all action to make only a computerized technique.

Adopting the computerized strategy that above and beyond, brands like Daniel Wellington and ASOS are concentrating their endeavors on utilizing key players in the realm of design and big name to help manufacture their image personality and to at last, drive deals. The strategy is basic. Distinguish the influencers that talk specifically to the group of onlookers, requesting that they post consistently crosswise over social channels (overwhelmingly Instagram) about various items. Kick back and sit tight for the statistic to manufacture mark acknowledgment and devotion making the requests come in. Influencers have a great deal of control over their adherents, as the normal individual winds up concentrated on endeavoring to imitate everything from what they wear, the spots they visit, notwithstanding embracing their perspectives in some outrageous cases. The enthusiasm that adherents have for their ‘influencers’ of decision is at the core of this showcasing approach and the very explanation behind its prosperity. Daniel Wellington is currently a key player inside the watch advertise and has built up its image personality using precisely chose influencers, building up themselves in the commercial center as a top of the line watch planner supported in VIP circles. As a feature of the brand’s approach, influencers and ‘superstars, for example, the cast of Love Island and TOWIE, are paid to convey general Instagram posts about the watches, while offering supporters cash off rebates with singular codes (an extraordinary route for the brand’s advertising group to distinguish which big name is best at transforming adherents into clients).

We’ve moved into a time where customary and advanced showcasing strategies can supplement each other, enabling brands to expand the manners by which they achieve the buyer. In any case, it is so critical to pick an approach that works for the customer, as opposed to one that fits in with a perfect. Promoting’s exceptionally reason for existing is to enable brands to position themselves before the objective statistic and in the event that they are inaccessible, or changed off to specific stages, the showcasing system winds up trivial. We have seen some huge brand names either get it completely right or marvelously wrong, and every offer significant lessons for those hoping to overwhelm their commercial center.

Digital Marketing Trends

Thinking back, a few unbelievable headways changed the way advertisers worked in 2017.

Automation and AI for the most of 2017 has been the hot topic for the company marketing strategy. Various other political movements such as Trump’s protectionist policies have changed the overall scenario of the markets in USA and worldwide.

Nevertheless here are some strategies which could be used by companies to stay ahead of the game

• Marketers as of now work with everybody in the workplace, yet growth hacking has changed collaboration from an obligation to a need. By quickly testing crosswise over item advancement and showcasing channels, organizations can recognize the most effective approaches to develop. Marketers can collaborate with engineers, architects and different offices to gather the focusing on information important to configuration promoting encounters that catch client consideration.
• For B2C companies programming marketing has become a recent trends which needs to be followed by companies in order to stay successful. New trades for automatic are on the ascent. Some long haul holdouts, for example, LinkedIn, have started to offer enhanced alternatives for focusing on gatherings of people. Littler distributers still battle to coordinate the focusing on capacities of the enormous fish, however more available apparatuses mean automatic proficiency will wind up fundamental.
• Facebook now offers various marketing tools which could be efficiently used by companies in order to promote their products effectively
• Its a no brainer that voice control is the future of the SEO optimization of a company hence company should focus on products based on voice control.

Although it is impossible to predict the future of marketing, but these trends are most likely to become relevant and important part of marketing strategy according to experts.

Alternatives to Google.com

 With a share of 65% of all searches worldwide, Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine in the word. The word Google has become a synonymous word for search something in the internet.

Whenever any company has the largest competition in the industry, the industry tends to become a monopoly and Google is no exception. The search engine optimization of Google could be manipulated accordingly to the highest bidder, thus the searches of Google are more about what it wants you to see rather than what you want to see.

Thus for a change it won’t be a bad idea to look for alternatives to get desired searches.

With almost 1/5th of the search engine traffic Microsoft’s default search is a good alternative of Google; also to its advantage on certain aspects it even outperforms Google.
For instance it provides twice as many auto complete suggestions compared to Google, it could also predict correctly whether the airfares would increase or decrease.

Duck Duck Go
Unlike Google Duck Duck Go does not store user data thus ensuring that its searches are not being manipulated according to the user’s previous searches

As of now Quora is the most popular query platform in the internet, the answers of most complex questions are answered here. The user base consists of well known experts from various parts of the world thus providing genuine and authentic answers.

Dogpile is a search engine which provides results from various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing without the ads thus providing convenience and ease of access to the user.

Youtube is the default video sharing website of Google, thus as an alternative Vimeo is a video sharing website which has rich video content without the ads.

Yandex is the most popular search engine is Russia which has a good display with favicons which could be viewed by the user

Board Reader
The searches of this website are based on forums and message boards, thus the user gets the information based on subject from different points of view.

It is an effective search engine to calculate any data or get answers about questions efficiently.

The best part of this search engine is that it does not store any user data such as location thus maintaining the privacy of the user.

It is an effective Q&A website which can help in finding solutions of various queries of the user

Slideshare is good source of presentations and slides.

This website helps in creating a topic page which would bookmark and see results from various channels (Google, Yahoo) in a single page

Creative Commons Search
This website helps to find copyright free images which could be used by user without facing any copyright infringement.

Giphy is a search engine completely dedicated to gifs and shows all its searches are basically gifs.

All about Price Searcher.com

There are various search engines are present on the internet which helps customers search and compare various products. There are various search engines such as Sky Scanner and Money supermarket which are specialized to various sectors such as flights, insurance etc.

Today’s popular search engines are not dedicated enough to provide specific coverage on a particular industry such as vertical search engines are.

Price is one market which is still untapped as a search engine.

Price searcher is an emerging search engine which provides detail information about the prices, purchase history, payment and delivery information about a product which would help in making purchase decisions for a product.

Prior to launching Price searcher its CEO worked in ecommerce business in 16 years. He found that irrespective of many innovations in the internet finding the price of a particular product was still a challenge for customers. So prior to launching the website dedicated to prices, he personally ensured that everything on the website was perfect and devoid of any errors.

In 2014, Dean discovered his first colleague to work with him on the venture was Raja Akhtar, a PHP designer taking a shot at a scope of internet business ventures, who went ahead board as Pricesearcher’s Head of Web Development, Dean met   Akhtar through the free lance website People per Hour, and the two started working  at Pricesearcher together in their extra time, assembling the lines of code in 2015. The beta version of Pricesearcher was launched next year.

During initial days the website was funded by the Dean himself, but he ensured that there were no compromises on quality.

Price searcher started by directly processing feeds from online retailers . Eventually many prominent retailers such as Amazon became a retail partner of the website and  it became a data warehouses of prices.

One of the  unique aspects of the website is that it lets the user  track the price changes of the product, thus making appropriate judgments about the  best time to buy a product.

Price searcher is currently working on PPC model which is scheduled to launch in 2019, it is aimed to provide information such as returning customers.

The success of price searcher is proof  of the fact that in future search engine with vertical search algorithm would become more prominent, in 2016 Alphabet (parent company of Google) stated that vertical  search engine is  one of  its biggest threat.

There is a possibility that vertical search engines would become the leader in SEO in future.


Online reputation can make or break a company. Reputation management has become a must for any private organization in order to survive.

But there are many misunderstandings related to this concept hence it is necessary to explain basic concepts of reputation management so that companies can benefit from it.

With the rise of internet usage worldwide internet has become more than just an advertising medium, social media tools help the organization to have one on one interaction with its visitors. There is the blog, post; tweets were written about every major company worldwide hence it should be taken into notice what is the general opinion about your company on the internet.

Taking feedback from customers could be a risky proposition which should be initiated smartly in order to ensure that the company does become too honest or straightforward that competitors take advantage of it. Most emerging and new company do not focus a lot on transparency whereas large established company focus on it.  From this, it could be inferred that transparency is less dangerous for large organizations. If there are many criticisms of the company then the transparency can take a back seat and company should make tackling these issues the topmost priority.

Besides, that criticism should be taken as an opportunity to improve.

One must also keep a track of hate sites and negative review promoting pages which would damage the company’s reputation. One should complain about these sites to legal authorities if these pages are performing not only unethical but illegal practices which are damaging your company’s image.

Building presence in the locality

Search engine optimization needs to be accurate and apt in the localities, with the growth of business there is an increase in competition and to ensure that there are no loose ends the company must take a good look at the performance of local SEO.

Certain factors could be taken to ensure the efficiency of the local SEO such as adoption of localized voice search in an SEO is a must, as it is no secret that voice search would become the future standard of the medium of search hence companies should work on voice search for SEO

There also must be laid profound emphasis on customer sentiment which would ensure that the searches are based on relevance based on local interactions.
In order to ensure that the searches are appropriate, the company should also ensure that the searches of the website are consistent which would ensure effective local SEO strategy.

How Google is making an efficient SEO.

Google has become a global standard for Search Engine Optimization, digital marketing strategies of organizations are centered on Google’s SEO. Google is the best source of digital advertisements.
Here are some instances where Google is doing right when it comes to digital marketing.

For starters, Google has introduced an SEO audit to its lighthouse extension which helps in analyzing a website’s basic SEO which would help the website to work better.
Google has also made significant improvements in its search engine console, for example, the search engine of Google also consist of various filters through which the companies can assess the performance of their SEO more effectively.

There also have been major improvements in the Google’s SEO guide, using this guide you can learn all the basic of organic search and the science behind it using various mediums such as blog and web pages.

Search engine optimization, the desire for innovations.

The impact of internet on retail industry is beyond words. The paradigm shift of off-line to online customers has been unprecedented. The convenience of on-the-go real time online shopping with discount offers seems more convenient than going to brick and mortar stores to buy commodities.

Artificial intelligence has been effectively used in app and websites using chat bots and conveniently tailored suggestions based on customers’ previous searches and purchases.

Despites all these technological breakthroughs desired innovations in search engines are the most sought out to ensure improvements in retail sector.

Many prominent search engines today lack accuracy for example Google in a search for veg food showed a display of 19 non veg dishes out of its 40. This type of inaccuracy would cause a major loss in web traffic.

Importance of Content Optimization

Not just good content, it is also necessary that the content of the website is properly optimized so that it could be effectively optimize the content to obtain maximum benefits.

The user should first and foremost catalogue the content so that the customer can obtain the bird’s eye view of it and could be effectively used to obtain relevant traffic.

The content should also be effectively organized in order to obtain the desired traffic, there is also a need to analyse the existing organic traffic and retrospect on the need for change or increasing the quantity of the current category of organic traffic. Using this strategy one could get to know that whether goal for the audience are clear or not, or whether pages have been optimized for too many pages or pages are too technical or perplexing for general audience.

Using the above strategies the content should be organized on the webpages in order to obtain maximum and relevant traffic.