Improving Speed of Word Press Site
Slow loading web pages can turn into the main source of high bounce rates, low client engagement and poor website performance.
47% of customers expect that a website page will load under 2 seconds. 40% of online customers exit a site page on the off chance that it takes over 3 seconds to stack. A 1 second delay in page loading can lead to a 16% plunge in consumer loyalty and a 11% decrease in website visit.
Using grid instead is an efficient method to reduce the loading page instead of using long grids. Not only is it less data intensive it also improves the overall outlook and appearance of the website.
Reducing the number of http request would be an efficient tool to reduce the loading page of the website and ensuring that the speed of the website increases.
The comments of the users should be divided into page to ensure the loading time of the website page is low. The website should be upgraded to the latest PHP version.
Applications such as Gzip could be used to compress the website’s content heavy components such as Plugins.
Many web hosts can provide important information regarding web traffic to help improving the speed of your website.
Each couple of milliseconds of change in your page’s loading speed and could bring improvements in web traffic and conversion rates.
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