Growing the business smart way

Growth of business is not the destination but a journey which every business has to go through to ensure survival in the competitive industry. Although the growth of business depends from industry to industry but it is inevitable that the business would survive without growth.
Here are some business tips which would help in its growth

  • Get more customers in the existing market, study the needs and preferences of the existing markets which would cause more effective market penetration
  • By providing various incentives such a discounts to existing customers would help in increased customer base. Companies such as Google (Gmail), One Plus highly benefited from this strategy.
  • Constant innovation of product or service is a must to ensure survival and growth of business, also they should be diversified to ensure maximum market reach.
  • After the growth in existing market reaches its saturation point, you should increase your market base by setting up stores or providing services at new locations.
  • Displaying goods in tradeshow is an efficient strategy of promotion of goods.
  • While business growth is necessity, keep a check on costs while expanding the business.
  • Franchising your successful business plan ensures the fast track growth of business
  • Offering after sale services such as conducting classes and workshop on how to use goods and service effectively would ensure higher customer retentivity.
  • CSR activities such as philanthropy would create a positive image of the company
  • Usage of social media platforms such as twitter, Facebook would help in growth of business.
  • Creating a forum such as a blog would help the business to connect with their customers in real time which would help in learning the emerging needs and preferences of the customers.

A combination of various marketing strategies would ensure the efficient growth of the business which would generate higher profits for the company.

Web Design trends for 2018

Web designs have become more than just traditional web deigns. The web designers of today not only work on making the website visual stunning for the viewer but also ensuring that the website has ease of usage for the user
• Conversational UI (User Interface) is an important aspect of any website, it shows the website’s interactivity, UI helps in creating a sense of customers satisfactory experience
• Using various GIF help in making a website look attractive and interesting, various software such as Photoshop can be used to create gifs
• Responsive design are made which are adaptable to various devices and platforms, gone are those days when websites were made based on PC, now different websites with UI are used in accordance to the different devices such as mobile, tablets etc
• There is minimum usage of web design rather more information is displayed on website in form of cards, prominent streaming sites such as Netflix and amazon prime use this designing strategy to make website attractive.
• Data analytic tools are another feature which is gaining prominence, the feature allowing the users view and infer statistical and graphical data help in generating interest among viewers.
• Using authentic photographs in small number create a sense of honesty among the viewers which helps in boosting the website’s overall popularity
• Using material design the quality and content of the page could be improved, it is a method for planning to make an order of significance and significance on the page, attracting the client’s concentration to various territories at the same time moving and reacting to the client’s activities. It has become a must in web designing and become popular because of its adaptability in various platforms.
• Although long scrolling websites is a double edged sword, websites such as facebook and twitter use long scrolling design method. If the web designer could use innovative methods to make website interesting it could do wonders for the website, new feed is one of the many examples where long scroll has been used efficiently in websites

Improving Speed of Word Press Site

Slow loading web pages can turn into the main source of high bounce rates, low client engagement and poor website performance.

47% of customers expect that a website page will load under 2 seconds. 40% of online customers exit a site page on the off chance that it takes over 3 seconds to stack. A 1 second delay in page loading can lead to a 16% plunge in consumer loyalty and a 11% decrease in website visit.

Using grid instead is an efficient method to reduce the loading page instead of using long grids. Not only is it less data intensive it also improves the overall outlook and appearance of the website.

Reducing the number of http request would be an efficient tool to reduce the loading page of the website and ensuring that the speed of the website increases.

The comments of the users should be divided into page to ensure the loading time of the website page is low. The website should be upgraded to the latest PHP version.

Applications such as Gzip could be used to compress the website’s content heavy components such as Plugins.
Many web hosts can provide important information regarding web traffic to help improving the speed of your website.
Each couple of milliseconds of change in your page’s loading speed and could bring improvements in web traffic and conversion rates.

Are keywords still relevant in SEO

Keywords on the past have been the vital part of SEO, usage of keywords have been the priority for the digital marketers to promote their goods but are they still relevant in 2018.

The search engine algorithm  has become advanced, it not only asses the no of keywords but also the density of those keywords, Google panda was the first update which focuses more on keyword density rather than no of keywords during SEO.

For instance Google algorithm is now able to filter out keywords which are basically synonyms and not just that Google hummingbird algorithm helps Google in finding the real meaning behind those keywords.

Rankbrain is another update which helps in understanding the reason behind the various search terms, writing user centric keywords helps in organic search more than multiple keywords. Hence it would be beneficial to provide various keywords which are relevant to ensure high Google ranking.

The aim of advertisers should be to make searches more user centric, the whole process of  finding and creating relevant keywords could be time consuming but it is worth it.

Building presence in the locality

Search engine optimization needs to be accurate and apt in the localities, with the growth of business there is an increase in competition and to ensure that there are no loose ends the company must take a good look at the performance of local SEO.

Certain factors could be taken to ensure the efficiency of the local SEO such as adoption of localized voice search in an SEO is a must, as it is no secret that voice search would become the future standard of the medium of search hence companies should work on voice search for SEO

There also must be laid profound emphasis on customer sentiment which would ensure that the searches are based on relevance based on local interactions.
In order to ensure that the searches are appropriate, the company should also ensure that the searches of the website are consistent which would ensure effective local SEO strategy.

Modifying and using Facebook page for maximum and efficient results

Despite various concerns on privacy and its founder Mr. Zuckerberg testifying before US Congress Facebook still remains one of the most sought out social media platform thanks to its global widespread popularity and easy user interface.

2/3 US Adults are Facebook users and 74% percent of them claim to log into website daily at least once. These statistics are evidence of Facebook unmatched popularity.

There are various tools in Facebook user page which could be used as an effective marketing strategy.
Facebook page can be used to improve the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of the company’s page by effectively advertising the company by using Facebook to reach out to users worldwide. By posting relevant data of the company such as product offering, operating business hours etc. would boost the company’s popularity and create a sense of genuineness of the company among users and potential customers.
Creating a business page which has a location would provide important location data for users to reach out to the company. Also, these pages could be used to gain ratings and reviews which would help in the efficient implementation of SEO.

Using the call to action button would encourage users to interact directly with the company which would help create a better understanding between the two parties. Other options include messenger which chat-bots which help the company to be in contact with users 24/7.

Also ensuring that the duplicate and unofficial page of the company are reported to Facebook authorities to ensure geniuses in company’s intentions.

All these measurements are generally taken by top companies worldwide and should become a standard for every emerging company to ensure efficient marketing goals are achieved.

How Google is making an efficient SEO.

Google has become a global standard for Search Engine Optimization, digital marketing strategies of organizations are centered on Google’s SEO. Google is the best source of digital advertisements.
Here are some instances where Google is doing right when it comes to digital marketing.

For starters, Google has introduced an SEO audit to its lighthouse extension which helps in analyzing a website’s basic SEO which would help the website to work better.
Google has also made significant improvements in its search engine console, for example, the search engine of Google also consist of various filters through which the companies can assess the performance of their SEO more effectively.

There also have been major improvements in the Google’s SEO guide, using this guide you can learn all the basic of organic search and the science behind it using various mediums such as blog and web pages.

Search engine optimization, the desire for innovations.

The impact of internet on retail industry is beyond words. The paradigm shift of off-line to online customers has been unprecedented. The convenience of on-the-go real time online shopping with discount offers seems more convenient than going to brick and mortar stores to buy commodities.

Artificial intelligence has been effectively used in app and websites using chat bots and conveniently tailored suggestions based on customers’ previous searches and purchases.

Despites all these technological breakthroughs desired innovations in search engines are the most sought out to ensure improvements in retail sector.

Many prominent search engines today lack accuracy for example Google in a search for veg food showed a display of 19 non veg dishes out of its 40. This type of inaccuracy would cause a major loss in web traffic.

Importance of Content Optimization

Not just good content, it is also necessary that the content of the website is properly optimized so that it could be effectively optimize the content to obtain maximum benefits.

The user should first and foremost catalogue the content so that the customer can obtain the bird’s eye view of it and could be effectively used to obtain relevant traffic.

The content should also be effectively organized in order to obtain the desired traffic, there is also a need to analyse the existing organic traffic and retrospect on the need for change or increasing the quantity of the current category of organic traffic. Using this strategy one could get to know that whether goal for the audience are clear or not, or whether pages have been optimized for too many pages or pages are too technical or perplexing for general audience.

Using the above strategies the content should be organized on the webpages in order to obtain maximum and relevant traffic.

Effective research for SEO

The effect of the keyword in research has become a thing of the past, even using the keyword in the text of webpage has now become a thing of the past. But that does not mean that one must completely abandon the keyword research in lieu of content creation.
There is still a need for effective use of words, here are some measure to ensure that
• The goals of the word usage should be well defined which should ensure increase sales. Increase in traffic should not become a priority as conversion rates are low in that case.
• A special emphasis should also be made on building awareness as it would directly assist in improving sales.
• Usage of money phrases such as cheap products or premium product help in creating relevant searches in the company’s website.
• Although money phrases are important one must ensure that they are not overused
• Comprehensive contents usage would ensure the website become authoritative, authoritative websites are the top priority of search engines while ranking. It is also mentioned in Google’s quality service guidelines.
• Keywords are a window into what clients need, the client goal. Google Trends is a decent platform to distinguish changes in how catchphrases are being utilized.
• Google Trends will enable you to perceive how states are inclining up, slanting down,drifting in a repeating design and recognize territorial examples.
• Understanding repetitive and local examples will better enable you to know when to reveal certain sorts of substance and furthermore to comprehend to center your external link establishment in specific areas for specific expressions since those expressions will be more prevalent in those districts. This is an important factor.
In conclusion, we could say that keywords need to be more specific, the keyword strategy should be based on user intent and user interface should also be prime objective while setting up a keyword strategy.